Joe Fields

Using Manim

My poster about Manim from the WEBSIGMAA poster session at MathFest 2024.

The Giant Icosahedron

Brian Darrow and I wrote an expository article for MAA Focus about this project. Here is a companion website with additional details.


Version 3.2 of my textbook, A Gentle Introduction to the Art of Mathematics, is now available.

EN D118 (Engleman Hall, D-wing)

Curriculum Vitae
A picture
My schedule

I am a professor in the  Mathematics Department  at Southern Connecticut State University.

I am a former chairperson of the Northeastern Section of the MAA.

Braxton Carrigan and I are running a Math Circle for high school students (and teachers). We call it the STEAM-powered Math Circle because we infuse activities from STEM and the Arts.

I am the lead developer/maintainer of the Guava package for the GAP computer algebra system. GAP is designed as a computational aid for Group Theory and Algebra, it has many add-on packages, among them is Guava which performs computations related to error-correcting codes.

I received my PhD degree in Mathematics from the University of Illinois at Chicago.
My areas of research are in the theory of error-correcting codes, and Combinatorics.
My advisor was Vera Pless.

Here are some items on which I've been working:

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