The GUAVA Coding Theory Package ------------------------------- GUAVA is a package that implements coding theory algorithms in GAP. With GUAVA, codes can be created and manipulated and information about these codes can be calculated. GUAVA consists of various files written in the GAP language, and an external program from J.S. Leon for dealing with automorphism groups of codes and isomorphism testing functions. Several algorithms that need the speed are integrated in the GAP kernel. Please send your bug reports to See the section "Bug reports" below. GUAVA was originally written in GAP 3 by Jasper Cramwinckel, Erik Roijackers, and Reinald Baart as a final project during their study of Mathematics at the Delft University of Technology, Department of Pure Mathematics, and in Aachen, at Lehrstuhl D fuer Mathematik. In version 1.3 (still GAP 3), new functions were added by Eric Minkes, also from Delft University of Technology. Version 1.4 (the first GAP 4 version) of GUAVA was created by Lea Ruscio who maintained it through to version 1.5. Versions of GUAVA from 1.6 to 3.9 were maintained by David Joyner. Starting with Versions 2.5/2.6, GUAVA was forked: the "odd versions" (e.g., 2.5) include the code of J. S. Leon mentioned above (which is not licensed under the GPL at the time). The "even versions" (e.g., 2.6) were entirely GPL'd, but were otherwise are basically the same as the previous "odd version" (i.e., "2.6 = 2.5 - non-GPL'd code"). Starting with Versions 2.7/2.8, Cen Tjhai, a PhD student in the School of Computing, Communications & Electronics at the University of Plymouth, was added as an author. He completely updated the tables, which had not been updated since 1998, and added some new functions. Starting with Versions 3.0, Robert Miller, a PhD student in the Department of Mathematics at the University of Washington in Seattle, and Tom Boothby, (then) an undergraduate in the same department, were added as authors. They both revised Leon's code, which was GPL'd on April 17th, 2007: I, Jeffrey S. Leon, agree to license all the partition backtrack code which I have written under the GPL ( as of this date, April 17, 2007. The ``even''/``odd'' forks of the GUAVA code are now united. Joe Fields has been the maintainer since version 3.10. The current version is 3.12. Installing GUAVA ---------------- A fresh installation of GAP 4.5 will include Guava automatically in the system `pkg' directory (typically something like /usr/lib/gap4r5/pkg on unix machines.) The backtrack programs which compute code automorphism groups may need to be compiled (see below). If GUAVA is not present (a call to LoadPackage("guava") fails at a GAP prompt.) You may need to install GUAVA (as a GAP4 Package) as a separate step. Unpack the archive file in a directory in the `pkg' hierarchy of your version of GAP4. (This might be the `pkg' directory of the GAP4 home directory; it is however also possible to keep an additional `pkg' directory in your private directories, see section "Installing GAP Packages" of the GAP4 reference manual for details on how to do this.) After unpacking GUAVA the GAP-only part of GUAVA is installed. The parts of GUAVA depending on J. Leon's backtrack programs package (for computing automorphism groups) are only available in a UNIX environment, where you should proceed as follows: Go to the newly created `guava' directory and call `./configure ' where is the path to the GAP home directory. So for example, if you install the package in the main `pkg' directory call ./configure ../.. (For rpm-based 64-bit linux machines, such as suse or redhat, you may need "./configure ../.. --enable-libsuffix=64" instead.) This will fetch the architecture type for which GAP has been compiled last and create a `Makefile'. Now call make to compile the binaries and to install them in the appropriate place. This completes the installation of GUAVA for a single architecture. If you use this installation of GUAVA on different hardware platforms you will have to compile the binaries for each platform separately. This is done by calling `configure' and `make' for the package anew immediately after compiling GAP itself for the respective architecture. If your version of GAP is already compiled (and has last been compiled on the same architecture) you do not need to compile GAP again; it is sufficient to call the `configure' script in the GAP home directory. Loading GUAVA ------------- After starting up GAP, the GUAVA package needs to be loaded. Load GUAVA by typing at the GAP prompt: gap> LoadPackage( "guava" ); If GUAVA isn't already in memory, it is loaded and its beautiful banner is displayed. If you are a frequent user of GUAVA, you might consider putting this line in your `.gaprc' file. Additionally, you may wish to test the installation by reading in the Guava test file: gap> ReadTest("full-path/guava.tst"); Bug reports ----------- When sending a bug report to, remember we will need to be able to reproduce the problem; so please include: * The version of GAP you are using; either look at the header when you start up GAP, or at the gap> prompt type: VERSION; * The operating system you are using e.g. Linux, SunOS 5.8 = Solaris 2.8, IRIX 6.5, Windows, ... * The compiler (if any) you used to compile the binaries and the options you used. Type: gcc -v or: cc -version. * A script that demonstrates the bug, along with a description of why it's a bug (e.g. by adding comments to the script - recall comments in GAP begin with a #). - Joe Fields ( May 21, 2012